Wave 2
3-4 DAYS | PHP 20,000
Explore your limits and learn to take your dives deeper with better and more efficient techniques.
The Molchanovs Wave 2 course advances your skills to take your freedives deeper safely and with ease.
Over the Wave 2 course, you’ll further your knowledge of the physics that affect the human body while diving. You’ll learn in more detail the effects of deeper depths and longer breath holds, and how to equalize more efficiently. Also covered are the risks and possible injuries related to freediving and how to prevent them.
You will be introduced to the Constant Weight No Fins (CNF) discipline as well as the monofin technique.
As a Wave 2 freediver, you should be able to dive to depths of 24-30 meters comfortably.
To start the Wave 2 course you’ll need to have a Wave 1 certification or the equivalent from another agency - or complete the crossover evaluation.
Course Completion Requirements:
Pool Requirements:
2 min 30-sec Static breath-hold
50 meter Dynamic Bi-fins (DYNB)
35 meter Dynamic No Fins (DNF)
Open Water Requirements:
24-30 meter Constant Weight (CWT)
24-30 meter Free Immersion (FIM)
15 meter Constant Weight No Fins (CNF)
10-15 meter Buddying CWTB
Rescue from 15 meters